
The POINT of the Article: Somebody tell Black Conservatives; the architects of American values weren’t virtuous people.

Pic: The Candace doll is a caricature dancing to the music of conservatives, She’s attractive enough but yet a modern Pickaninny, so what is new?

In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, few figures elicit as polarized reactions within the Black community as Candace Owens. Known for her staunch alignment with the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement and vocal advocacy for conservative values, Owens has become a lightning rod for criticism, particularly within progressive circles. However, the critique of Owens runs deeper than mere political disagreement; it delves into the complex interplay of race, identity, and power dynamics in contemporary America.

At the heart of the matter lies SDMNEWS’S concept of Owens portrayal as a “Pickaninny” character, a term laden with historical connotations of derogatory caricatures of black children as inherently wayward and in need of correction. The use of this term to describe Owens underscores a deeper critique of her alignment with the MAGA movement and her apparent advocacy for regressive societal norms.

In casting Owens as a “Pickaninny” within the context of the MAGA movement, critics argue that she becomes complicit in upholding systems of oppression that have historically marginalized Black communities. By aligning herself with ideologies that prioritize the interests of a ruling European class and perpetuate systemic inequalities, Owens inadvertently reinforces the status quo rather than challenging it.

What is particularly striking is Owens’ embrace of traditional values, especially those rooted in pre-civil rights America. While she presents this as a return to a golden era of American greatness, detractors argue that it is, in fact, a reinforcement of societal divisions and a betrayal of the broader Black community. Instead of advocating for progress and liberation, Owens’ espousal of conservative values serves to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and maintain existing power structures.

The notion of “woke in reverse” encapsulates the paradoxical nature of Owens’ alignment with MAGA ideology. While she presents herself as a champion of conservative values, critics argue that her advocacy ultimately serves to reinforce capitalist interests and deepen societal divisions. In doing so, Owens becomes isolated from the broader Black community, symbolized by the imagery of her being “at the cookout alone.”

The title of this critique, “At the Cookout Alone: Candace Owens MAGA’s Pickaninny,” speaks volumes about Owens’ alienation from the collective interests of her community. By aligning herself with MAGA ideology, she stands in opposition to the progress and change that many within the Black community strive for. In the spirit of Malcolm X, it is imperative to critically analyze Owens’ role within the political sphere and challenge the narratives she promotes.

To say the least, Owens won’t be invited to the Cookout nor Thanksgiving dinner. Owens as the prodigal daughter, a moment of redemption has passed in terms of aligning “the sell out” rhetoric with a reuniting of Black American values. And just in case, Owens needs a throwback word-whoppin, of what true American values or so-called Conservative values are, Black Americans have exhibited exemplary examples of hard work, educational progress, family values and spirituality.

Ultimately, by exposing the contradictions inherent in Owens’ alignment with MAGA ideology, we can work towards building a more inclusive and equitable society. This requires confronting uncomfortable truths about race, power, and identity, and actively dismantling the systems of oppression that continue to marginalize Black communities. Only then can we truly honor the legacy of those who have fought for justice and equality throughout history.

This concept was formed by the SDMNEWS staff.